Classifying and Citations
I've now collected a lot of stuff and the next recommendation on the course was to find some sort of tool to classify and sort it. They suggested Mendeley, Zotoro, Endnote or Paperpile. I was already introduced to Mendeley in the course of my studies at Napier, but never really investigated it properly. So today I spent an hour or so playing with it, and uploaded some of the PDFs I've collected. The advantage of this is that it can be synced from anywhere, so I can work with it in my lunch hour or after the day ends and before I go home. I've set up nice folders to file my material in relevant categories and this should help a lot when I come to start actually writing.
There are different types of referencing that people use. A common one is IEEE style (based on Chicago) as there are a few engineers on this course; my own project calls for Harvard-style referencing and the website I normally use to help me is
The bibliography is everything you've read on a topic.
The references are articles you have cited in your work on that topic.
Ergo, the references are a sub-group of the whole bibliography.
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